The Quest For the Perfect Travel Partner (Stop Asking Me Why I’m Not Married)

solo unicorn in Brazil

Proof that I really am a unicorn as, let’s be honest, only unicorns have rainbows emanating from their asses. (Truth number 1: It is really hard to get proof of unicornness. It can really only be done in Iguazu Falls, Brazil).

I’ve taken to wearing a wedding ring when I travel. It is a fake gold band on the ring finger of my left hand that most people assume marks me as married. I do this for several reasons. Most of all because, as the editor in chief of Yahoo Travel I travel a lot, often to countries where if you, as a woman, are not married you are either a virgin or a whore – and I am way too old to be a virgin. Countries where even the slightest gesture –a glance in someone’s direction or a smile when you say, “Thank you” can also mean: “OH MY GOD YOU ARE SO HOT PLEASE JUMP MY BONES NOW!” The ring comes in handy then.

big red hat in nicaraguaChilling in Nicaragua and having the time of my life

But I also wear it because I am sick of the question. 

Any single woman will know what I’m talking about – the question that makes you want to vomit or hit something really, really hard: “Oh my god, How are you not married/dating? You’re so nice/great/amazing/hot…” And, when you hit a certain age, it’s almost always imbued with a second, unspoken question:

What’s wrong with you?”

For the answer to that question and so much more (including some awesome dating stories), click HERE. Because frankly, I’ve had enough!

2 thoughts on “The Quest For the Perfect Travel Partner (Stop Asking Me Why I’m Not Married)

  1. Preach! Although I’m married now, when I was single I got that ALL THE TIME. When I worked in Seoul, I was “single shamed” by all my local colleagues and friends. Not their fault, just the way it is over there. I think many people fail to realize that it is ok to be single by choice (gives way more flexibility to travel). Now that I am married sans kids I get crap about that. You can never win. LOL

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