Guate-Hollah! Part Tres: The Market at Chichicastenango

I love a death doll

I love a death doll

Chichi is cool for so many reasons – chief amongst which is: it has the largest indigenous market in Central America. Clearly, I had to go. And I was not disappointed. Mayans, for miles around, come in every Thursday and Sunday to sell intricately sewn textiles, death masks, chickens, dolls, sweaters, chotchkes, you name it, all at the foot of the 400-year old church of Santo Tomás. The church is built atop a Pre-Columbian temple platform, and K’iche’ Maya priests still use the church for their rituals, burning incense and candles and in really special cases, they burn a chicken for the gods. It’s kind of amazing – especially as I’d assumed all the Mayans died out years ago. I was wrong. Thank God. [Ed note: Mayan rituals are a lot like voodoo rituals – involving chickens, blood, candles, booze, cocaine, leaves and fire. I think it must be a universal fact that pluralist gods liked to party. A lot]. There was also a sick restaurant area in the middle of the market which served the best fried chicken I’ve ever had, hands down. Don’t tell Aunt Dee I said that. She’ll be pissed.

After the jump: The market from heaven:

These Mayan shirts are so GORGEOUS... but tiny, tiny arm and head holes.

These Mayan shirts are so GORGEOUS… but tiny, tiny arm and head holes. Because they are meant to fit tiny, tiny people. My pal Emily (on the left) is like five foot three inches… and she towers over the lady to her right. I kind of loved it. I have always wanted to be tall. In Guatemala I was giant!

I love a shy skull

I love a shy skull

balaclava's are so chic.

balaclava’s are so chic.

yes please.

yes please.

Head, anyone?

Head, anyone?

Ooooh, banana!

Ooooh, you cheeky  banana!


This woman was maybe four feet tall - and wore her hair in traditional Mayan braids. I obviously bought something from the sack on her head. How could I not?

This woman was maybe four feet tall – and wore her hair in traditional Mayan braids. I obviously bought something from the sack on her head. How could I not?

candles used in Mayan ceremonies.. in the churches. Talk about fusion!

candles used in Mayan ceremonies.. in the churches. Talk about fusion!

I have no clue what these dudes do

I have no clue what these dudes do

A Guatemalan cowboy - a man after my own heart!

A Guatemalan cowboy – a man after my own heart!

This woman made the best fried chicken ever - don't tell my Aunt Dee.

This woman made the best fried chicken ever – don’t tell my Aunt Dee.

the market in Chichi

the market in Chichi


Seriously should have bought this chicken pitcher but as afraid it would break in my bag. Ugh. No more fear!

Seriously should have bought this chicken pitcher but as afraid it would break in my bag. Ugh. No more fear!



One thought on “Guate-Hollah! Part Tres: The Market at Chichicastenango

  1. I’ve read on article that the u ser cocaine during rites? In ,my country Peru is used by natives to put coca leaves. Since coca is aún andean tres I beleive this is taken by barco gangs.

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